Written by: Garden room

Garden room ideas

When many people hear of the word garden, they think of hard work in these areas. They don’t see the gardens as a place to have fun which should be the case. It should not be the forgotten place that gets clogged during winter only to use a lot of labor restoring them when summer comes. Garden should not be an area of stress. it should be an area where one can relax in the evenings or when you want to enjoy the sun during winter. This is the only place you can enjoy summer or have dinner or birthday parties.

Instead of having fences nowadays we have walls. These make your garden become a small room located outside. This makes it easy to decorate it just like a living room. You can install stylish lighting, furniture with your best furniture designs that suits your theme. This whole idea is to make your outdoor area look precious. I will give you some of the main tips one can follow and create a precious outdoor garden room.

One of the main tips is to paint the walls and fences.

This gives external walls and fences a new theme look that transforms your garden. You need to paint them so that it matches the colors of your garden and give it a stylish look. When you leave your walls and fences unpainted they will give your garden unfinished impression. There are a variety of colors out there which you can choose but its always good to research before you start painting. You can select the color that you feel that matches the summer theme and it will encourage you to stay and relax there. You can even plan to paint your walls and fences to give your garden a fresh look every summer. It advisable you chose bright colors that make your garden feel like a room. Don’t forget to paint the pots which have plants.

The second tip is to invest in your garden for longer use.

How your garden looks dictate how long you would like to spend there. You can install a big screen in your garden room such that you can relax with friends and have entertainment. You can even have a minibar where you can serve your friends with drinks.

The third tip is to decorate your outside garden room such that it becomes an indoor out.

This can be done by bringing the things that are found in your interior decoration to your garden room. Have plates on the tables, mirrors, hanging baskets, shelves, pots, hanging vintage plates, clocks and rugs. The fourth tip that complements this is having modular furniture. Your coffee tables, benches under small trees and chairs should be made of precious wood or any other important material. Have some great benches which can move around and help you move with the sun.

The fifth tip is to have a fabric that is waterproof.

This will boost your soft furnishings. They make good quality covers for cushions. The bright ones add a taste to your garden room. Using a waterproof rug can also help you in hiding your ugly pavements.

The sixth tip is having a great zone area for your garden.

Do not place everything in one area and congest one part. Create different areas with sits to avoid making your garden a small boring area. The seventh tip is to light up your garden with festoon light placed in a central point. You can opt for solar lights which can twinkle at night. The lights should draw attention to all the places in the garden. The last best tip is to have a fireplace to warm your evening. Some fireplaces are movable nowadays and having one in your garden room will not only make the garden room warm but also stylish. Remember to choose the designs that suit your garden theme.

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