Sliding Pocket door

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A pocket door is a door that disappears once it is opened. It slides inside a wall and leaves an opening. They are mostly used for architectural designs or mostly to create more space unlike when using swinging doors made of hinges. They roll on rollers that are located overhead which helps it roll back into the cavity when it is opened. This is achievable with the help of rails that are mounted on the door frame. They have been in use since the nineteenth century. In around the 1950s they were no longer considered important because they were hard to maintain, fit and they looked awkward. Somehow pocket doors disappeared sometimes. 

This was a brilliant idea that helped save floor space which is occupied by the swinging door. The technology of that time did not embrace them since they saw them as if they were posing more trouble. With the rise of recent technology, it has been easy to develop pocket doors with plastics which are easy to slide using running gears. It is now very common to install to find homes that have a pocket door installed. It is not still easy to install a pocket door by yourself unless you are a DIY expert. 

What is the purpose of pocket doors? 

If you don’t have a spacious house, these doors are very reliable when saving space which is wasted by the normal door and you can’t use anything else. With a sliding door, you don’t sweep your components allocated near the door and this provides extra space for placing your furniture. They also help to divide a room into smaller rooms when needed. When they are decorated using the right theme they give an elegance look. 

Implementing these doors depends on what type of walls you have. Walls made of masonry are not suitable for this implementation since they are not easy to drill a cavity because drilling will affect the thickness which will compromise the wall strength. Stud walls for partitioning work very well with these doors. Also in a timber stud wall, the dimensions of the wood have to be the same dimension as the frame wood. The rails are placed on the header to allow the pocket door slide easily. The timber gives strong support to the pocket door. It is always good to do research and consult before you start installing these pocket doors. 

You need to have good plasterboard to hide the cavity which the door sink into. They need to leave big openings that are big enough to accommodate the door movement. That means you don’t need much of plasterboards. 

Planning your pocket door is simple but tricky. There are some things you need to be keen on when implementing one. 

You need to demolish the existing wall unless you are building a new house from scratch. This means you need to consider if it worth demolishing and how it will cost you for the damage it will cost to pipes and cables. 

Why do many people don’t prefer them?

When the doors are closing and opening they make a lot of noise. The rails make a lot of noise when the wheels are running and they also make a lot of noise at the end of the stops due to the impact. Some house walls don’t support the walls which are compatible with these doors. These doors are difficult to fit even with the experienced carpenter and they may become derailed if they are not handled with care. They also don’t seal the opening, not fireproof, difficult in finding their spares and maintenance problems. 

Their main advantage is they provide clearance, they are convinient, and aesthetics. We hope one day these doors will boom and become a fashion for every house design. 

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Carport construction guide

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You may want to protect your car but unfortunately, you don’t have a garage or it full. You would consider constructing a carport that can add value to your home and beautify your compound. This is a simple project which is not hard and you can finish easily. You need to do some research and build some basics in DIY works. You also need the right tools for this job, some machines to help you in lifting heavy materials. There are things you need to be keen on implementing your carport.
There are important preliminaries you need to consider. One important thing is to decide where to build your carport. Your utilities determine where you will build your carport. It is good to understand where your electricity water and gas are located. This will help you avoid building and constructing on top of pipes and damage them during the process. Also, find out the legal requirements since a carport is also structure. You should consult with the body controlling the construction. Different countries have different regulations. If you have a lawyer he can help you find the legal procedures.
Have the right tools in place. This is the first step before you start building your carport. If you can’t afford these tools or maintaining these tools you can consider borrowing or hiring them for the period you will be constructing your carport. Some of these basics tools are, hammer drill, shovel, nail gun, measuring tape, rivet gun, hammer, angle grinder, carpenter squire, circular saw, string line, G-clamps, spirit level, adjustable wrench, and a ladder.
Also, keep safety measurements into consideration. List down the hazards that may arise during the work process. Buy some protective gear for safety measures and also don’t forget to include shades, gloves, and ear protection.
From there you need these eleven steps to build your carport whether you are making it from timber or steel.
First, prepare where you want to build your carport by clearing and setting up the perimeters. Follow all the standards and make some good markings using pegs to show clearly your four corners.
Use strings lines to set up the concrete foundation. Stretch the strings such that they replace two pegs and create a rectangular shape. Third, check whether your prototype is a squire.
Fourth dig holes which will hold posts strongly. The soil type determines how depth your holes will be and their dimensions. It is good to have the same depth as your house foundation. Poles made of still needs mounting plates so that they can hold firmly to the ground.
You need also to mix enough cement to help hold the poles firmly on the ground. Take some measurements like coating your metal to avoid rotting. make sure all your poles are on the same level and you can use a spirit level to do so.
If you used standoff or saddle which is u shaped material buried in the ground for helping the poles stand, you need to give the cement sometimes before you put in the poles.
Seventh, Ensure you have a datum line to help you keep your roof in a level. you can use a spirit level to create marks on the four posts. The eighth part is to create attach the beams to the post. This is where you need to use your ladder. Make sure the beams and the posts are strong enough.
The ninth process is to attach the rafters which help to keep the rainwater running off. This will be followed by fitting the downpipe and the gutter for helping water run down. Last but not least lay your desired roof. You are now almost there and the remaining part is your desired decorations. You can now park your car.

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Crucial tips for installing tiles

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Tiling is important for decorating your house. If you don’t get someone with skills you would end up with tiles that don’t match your interior decoration. Modern interior designs have made ceramic tiles trend nowadays. They are part of decorating houses to come up with beautiful and attractive designs. Ceramic tiles are environment-friendly products because they are made of clay and they are cheap decorating materials, stylish, functional, and comfortable. They are available in all different sizes, colors, which make decorations easy for entryways, hallway, dining rooms, bathroom, and dining room design. Choosing how to style your interior with tiles is not easy to select styles, sizes, and colors. The following ideas, tips, and tricks will help you!

Research on tiles before tiling

Look at photos online from Pinterest. After seeing a lot of these photos you will get ideas from different incites. Looking at these examples will help you decide on tile placement, trim types, and alignment. This can help you avoid costly mistakes when and help you see your interior decor before you start tiling. 

Work in hand with online retailers

One of the best things is buying tiles online. Online retailers already have done their research and they know the trends of tiles. Most of them are competing to see who will come up with the best competitive idea which turns out to be a benefit for clients. You should not be scared of ordering tiles online.  

Have a good working plan

Planning is the basic and crucial part of everything during construction. Planning helps to come up with a design such that you know what will go where. Tiling requires particular layout planning to avoid wasting resources and ending up with tiles that appear out of place. 

Be keen on angles for your layout plan 

Cutting tiles to fit some angles can be difficult and you should be aware some angles will waste your tiles. Research on angles that will help you save tiles and time. 

Don’t rely on walls 

Walls can cheat you and you end up with a wavy ugly pattern because walls are not always true. Make some drawings on the floor to guide on measurements. You can also use boards that are better than chalk drawings. 

Be aware of how the transition will look

When you tile a wall the whole interior theme changes and this transition is not easy. The shapes of these tiles make a lot of difference whether it a pencil or bullnose design. You may end up with undesired edges which will make your interior lose theme. Try to avoid these mistakes before you start. 

Always ask for advice

Have professionals who you can consult whenever things are going south. When you are unsure don’t do guesswork which could lead you to a mess. You can consult from online retailers, construction forums or direct manufacturers of the tiles. 

Select the best tools 

You can destroy a lot of tiles when cutting them and hence you need a good wet saw. A bigger saw is not necessary. Using a diamond-coated one is better. A new one will not break many tiles. Set up your cutting system near your workspace. This will save you the time of moving up and down with tiles. Using an electric enabled cutting machine will help you set your desired angle and faster. This will also save you clacking tiles when drilling holes. When replacing tile use recommended tools for removing tile to avoid damaging others and move easily around broken tiles. Remember to cover everything to avoid spills on sinks and cabinets. Using a plastic cover with tape is recommendable. 

These are one of few tips and I will continue posting more tips on tiling. There are a lot of precautions and tips on need when tiling. 

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Conservatory with greenhouse ideas

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A conservatory is a room which is extended outside often made of glass and walls like a greenhouse but for relaxing purposes. It can also be called a sunroom or a greenhouse. It is most common in the upper-middle class and people who are a bit wealthy.

A home with a conservatory always looks spectacular attractive but a conservatory with greenhouse components is more attractive and inviting. A standard conservatory is characterized by translucency with ceilings and walls made of glass to allow sunlight and make it look natural. This area should look magical from furnishing, green plants, and colorful painting which makes your space feel relaxing and encouraging you to stay there for some moments without getting bored. For ambiance, you need to add some attractive lights. A conservatory can also have a dining area that looks nice inside this greenhouse. This area is perfect especially when you have a family gathering and you want to entertain them. One advantage of this space is that it can be used in every season. When it sunny you enjoy the sun inside and when it rains you are inside watching your plants.

Before you start building a conservatory. A good conservatory has the following conditions. It should not be more than half of your main house. It should have No balconies Balconies, verandas or raised platforms and the roof should not exceed the height of the main house roof or the height exceed four meters. It should not obstruct public spaces like roads and it should not take more than half of the land it sits on. If you are extending from the main house it is advisable not to go beyond three meters from the main house walls. In some countries where the above conditions are legal requirements, you need to be keen on them to avoid a hefty fine.

To build a conservatory you need to establish a proper base. With that, the rest will be just filling a puzzle. First, measure your space to come up with the desired measurements and dimensions of the space which match your plan. You need to dig a standard foundation and remove any soil that is not in use. It is recommended you use a strong concrete foundation which should be at the same level as your house.

The walls are also easy to build if you have the right tools in place. You can start with the dwarf -wall which cannot exceed the one-meter height. It is always wise to wait for the cement to dry when you place the bricks and now you can place the external sills on top of the dwarf walls. The sills should be the same measurements as your property. The next step is to secure the frames from the house going outward until they are uniform. The tricky part is placing door fittings meaning you should find a supplier who will guide and supply you with the doors that will fit automatically.

The roofs are very critical and they need to be built carefully. If they are custom made you need to place them very carefully to avoid the damage. It is advisable here to have a specialist so that everything goes according to the plan. Don’t forget to place the gutters for it to last a long time. There are many choices of glass roofing which may be traditional or minimalistic modern style.
There are many types that you can choose which can be made of wood, UPVC or aluminium, extensional styles, Elizabethan, Victorian, and Elizabethan.
There is much we can write about conservatories. You will get to find many more elaborated tips for this in more articles here.

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Designing your beautiful terrace

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Many people are not with a large cosy garden but that does not prevent them from having a good beautiful looking terrace with a fantastic view. It is not easy to come with a specific way to build this impressive terrace. To come up with a nice terrace you need to put the materials in the right place to come up with the right accessories and furniture. This will help you enjoy your home compound. This will be helpful especially if you are living around the city where there is less space for activities. This means a terrace is a treasure where you can find peace during your break time
This means one needs to be keen when designing such a comfortable environment. Every detail when designing, planning and preparing terrace matters. You need to have the right materials choice, reliable plants, quality floor, colorful lighting to make the look of your outdoor unique. You need the following tips in your mind when creating your terrace layout especially if you want it to come out as a green oasis.
An architecture that is sustainable and green is a trending factor especially when it comes to creating a green heaven terrace. It is common, especially in urban areas where people set an outdoor area to create an environment that makes humans feel like they are in a cool park. These designs can be old-school, creative, contemporary and innovative. There are many urban ideas:
One is where you can fully cover the area for full comfort. To design a terrace you need to fully understand and your compound and how your home is oriented. This will help you in dividing the space and determine how you will use it. This will help you know where the sun comes from and how long your terrace will be exposed to sunlight. Also, you will get a plan where your sofas, cushions, tables will be set to create your lounge. The cover of your terrace says everything and determines how beautiful your lounge and you need to think of it when designing your terrace. Aluminum structures are advisable to use because they are easy to customize to come with the desired design. They help manage the space freely. If the terrace will not be facing the sun most of the day it means it will be in the shade most of the time. It advisable you a veranda that looks like a balcony here. This will be a cool welcoming environment in which you can use sliding glass to protect during winter.
The flooring is also another important consideration when designing your terrace. You have to have in mind both functionality and aesthetics. non-slip and waterproof materials are advised to use. Have a modern style in which everyone will feel great looking at it.
Make your terrace look like an urban jungle. But this jungle should be simple, have a natural mood no matter how small the environment is. You need to have some enticing plants and flowers. Choose the ones that will match the design of your interior and exterior. Note that these plants and flowers need to be taken care of and they need to be arranged carefully. You need to know how will the climate and the weather affect these plants. Perennials plants like bamboo, camellias, heather, aromatic herbs, and Japanese maple can give your terrace a spectacular view. You can even decide to divide your terrace int a garden, barbecues for differents activities or have a place for doing yoga.
Lastly, you need spectacular lighting. Spending an evening on your terrace is so pleasant. You don’t need too strong lighting on your terrace which can be inconvenient to your neighbors. Have a beautiful, colorful low-intensity light to keep your environment conducive.
These are some few tips for the terrace and I will be writing many more. There are endless tips for every terrace design which can help you in making a good decision when creating a terrace.

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Awning types tips

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When summer kicks in its time to enjoy the sun, but when it get hot you need some sun protection. Just like how we wear sunglasses to protect our eyes, also our houses need some shelters when it hot weather season. This prevents fading or damaging the outside house from heat exposure. This is a loss to the owner since he is the one to cater for the damage. To avoid such losses this means one needs to protect his exterior by either investing in an awning to protect your house from hot climate conditions.
What are awnings? The awning helps in creating the shadow that protects your house from sunlight. The help in casting the shadow to your desired places or depending on the direction of the sun. They are installed around the house to prevent exposure, which may be harmful. It helps one relaxing outside his house and get fresh air without sweating or squinting instead of sitting in the house porches for a long time. They can help you eat breakfast on your balcony without getting exposed yourself to sunburns, barbecue on your patio without rain disturbance and install some small awnings above your doorways and windows for both protection and beauty.
On sunny days windows allow entry of the sun rays without escaping which makes the room temperature rise. This can make your AC overwork and get damaged. Canopy helps in controlling these light rays bays blocking them and also redirecting rainwater which may damage the foundation of your house. It also prevents metal doors from getting excess sun’s heat, which may damage it too. Awnings placed at the entry-level of the house are a form of a cheap way to prevent excess heat in your house.
Every summer there are hardly clouds in the sky and everyone wants to enjoy around the balcony and take advantage of the great weather and enjoy his meals. To enjoy this you better have a good awning around your balcony which will help you enjoy the outside temperatures. To have these outside seating environments you need to have tips on what types of awning may suit where your balcony or your house. There are many options and you need to be aware of them when installing one.
The first one is a retractable awning which is a comfortable type where you can reduce it to allow light in or extend it to block light rays. This feature helps in protecting your desired area and at the same time, it protects itself by folding it when it’s not in use. They are convenient because they can be operated manually with one’s hands, but some also have motors that can help in controlling them either with sensors that are programmed.
Another one is a wall-mounted or fixed awning which provides shade throughout. It can come with its own additional poles for permanent support.
The other type is the potable ones or freestanding which can also be categorized into three types which are Umblerra, canopy and freestanding awning. They are convenient especially when you want to move them around your garden.
It is worth noting that retractable awning has four different parts and components.
One is the cover which is made of good quality materials or fabrics which are durable for resisting dirt, retaining color, UV protection. The frame is another component that is made of aluminum or stronger steel which is galvanized.
In this article, I have just covered different options just for patios and decks. Latter I will write an article for doors and windows types of awnings. Also, I will try and cover the waterfall awnings. This will help you chose the best type whenever climate gets hot and unpleasant.

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Beautiful Veranda For Summer

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During summer its cool to have a beautiful veranda for relaxing and enjoying the morning sun. This will also make your compound beautiful attractive and create more space for relaxation. This can also be your meeting point with your family to chill and have coffee together. That means you need to be a bit keen when designing your new veranda whether you are doing it a cottage with a veranda or building a holiday home or expanding it outside your house. It is a fun and simple thing to design when you have the right ideas and tips.
You just need to take time and come up with a great project plan. This will help you design and complete the project even before you start which will help you manage the resources. This will also help you design a great design that matches your current house. A new veranda should be a continuation of your house harmoniously. A good veranda is made of the same materials that constructed the house. It might be bricks timber or logs, but it must not be necessary to have these materials.
When setting up the foundation you need you to need to come up with a strong foundation same as the one of the house. This makes the whole building construction looks the same, uniform and strong. To make beautiful frames you need logs or boards. The roof and the wall should be in uniform with the dock of your house. The veranda roof is a bit different from the roof of the house such that it should flatter and lean more.
One trend which is shaping the veranda designs is sliding walls and it making the veranda looks more comfortable. This can help you to adjust your veranda to your desires during summer and may turn it to a terrace. A good veranda should be clear enough to allow good ventilation and light which means they should be made of large windows.
The large windows in verandas make it convenient even to place furniture the veranda with shelves, cabinets and reading area which is mostly placed on empty walls. You can even add folding tables in the area for saving space. You also need some classic curtains to control the sunny area.
When you are integrating these a veranda it is better to observe the following tips
One if you are not ready to build a veranda right away when constructing your house it is good to take to account that you may build a veranda later and you can leave a for it. You need also to choose the best place which will be always convenient for you and will not distract other activities around your home. You need also to consider the direction of the sun during the summer. It should not heat too much.
Remember to choose the style that will match the atmosphere of your home. That is the color of the house, materials you are using how the exterior looks. Also, Budget is another key factor that will depend on the size that you want. Consider the interior of your home also because it will help you come with attractive design.
Another idea is to have a professional to guide you in materials to purchase, the style and the size. He will also guide you in getting the permit and planning your budget. Consider having successful insulation for controlling winter and summer temperatures. Also, you cannot ignore successful ventilation. You can use an aesthetic solution for your ventilation which can be integrated into windows and doors of your veranda. Lastly, remember the foundation is very crucial.
You now have an idea of how to integrate your new face of your home which every visitor to your home sees first. This makes them judge your home before they get to interact with it. This means avoid veranda which is boring.

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